Diana De Vegh, breaks her silence on an alleged love affair with John F Kennedy

For the first time ever, one of the former president’s lovers tells her story. It’s an old story. Really old: young woman, Great Man. Predictable outcome: heartbreak for her, no consequences for him. But wait … there’s a twist. He dies, abruptly, although he lives on in song and story, in history and in her story. “She”—her, just plain lives on. Flattened at first, marked by an invisible hoofprint seared into her being, but then reconfiguring and gathering speed toward an unexpected life.
More than 60 years after John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Diana De Vegh, an 84-year-old New York psychotherapist has broken her silence on an alleged love affair between the two. According to Diana, Kennedy courted her when she was a 20-year-old student at Radcliffe. The pair continued their affair for 4 years. It ended a year before his assassination. She chose to go public now to help other women who are engrossed in relationships where she feels there are unequal power dynamics. She says, “The whole idea of conferred specialness—‘You go to bed with me, I’ll make you special’, we have seen a lot of that with Harvey Weinstein, and Roger Ailes.



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